速報APP / 健康塑身 / Daily Challenge by MYH

Daily Challenge by MYH



檔案大小:36.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Daily Challenge by MYH(圖1)-速報App

Each morning you’ll receive a challenge, a small action designed to help improve your health and well-being. Complete the challenge and press the DONE! button, then share how you did it. Earn points and collect stamps as you develop new healthy habits.

With over 2,500 unique challenges created by our expert writers, you’ll find new ways to improve your physical health, personal finances, and overall well-being. You’ll learn new ways to interact with your community and gain mindfulness within your life.

Daily Challenge Features

- Thousands of challenges

- Give and receive support from the community

- Read how other members have completed their challenge

- Get afternoon reminders

- Create a 5-day pact for increased social support

Daily Challenge by MYH(圖2)-速報App

Popular Challenge Categories

- Healthy eating

- Exercise

- Stress management

- Sleep

- Work-­life balance

- Money management

- Pregnancy and parenting

Daily Challenge by MYH(圖3)-速報App

- Community

- and many more

Daily Challenge by MYH(圖4)-速報App
